Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Uhg, today I don’t feel like myself… I feel really self-conscious and lonely. I have realized that I am always worrying. I absolutely hate that. I worry about everything, school, boys, etc. I wish I could be one of those girls who don’t care about anything, how they look, what people think of them and everything else. But I’m not. I am very self conscious about my appearance and how people (especially boys) think I look. I know I am not overweight or underweight b8ut, I feel like I’m not good enough. I honestly don’t care about how people think my attitude is. I am very blunt. I tell it how it is. I always have and always will. But since its my first year in high school I am starting to process the thought of what guys think of my attitude. Guys don’t want someone bitchy and blunt, they want someone sweet and kind, right? Whenever I try to change myself to be more like that it just DOESN’T WORK! I don’t know why it just doesn’t. I want the type of relationship with a guy where they will be completely idiotic with me and take silly pictures and just like me for me. I want the type of relationship where you can tell him anything and he won’t judge, where he can be my best friend, I want it to be like we can just sit around and watch movies and do nothing. I know, I know, I am asking for a lot, but I truly want all those things. Teenagers are very confusing and its very hard to understand them… Lets, say its very hard to be a teenager.

Wanted: uhg I dont even know.

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