Sunday, April 7, 2013


So, my bestie Megan has made a new blog!!! its about her music and life. go check it out! LOVE YOU GIRLLLL, your famous to me:D

Megan Channel on YouTube!!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Thursday, December 13, 2012


         OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS!! CHRISTMAS IS ONLY 12 DAYS AWAY!!!!!! Whew, glad I got that out when I did. Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year. You can see all the beautiful decorations in all sorts of styles. The beautiful colors and the warm clothes are my favorite. Im the type of person that would rather be freezing cold than even a little bit hot. So, during winter I get to wear big oversized sweaters, scarves, gloves , leg warmers, boots and HATS!!!! I am honestly so excited to bring all that stuff out again! Christmas is about spending time with God and your family, but you cant really forget the fact that on Christmas Day you get a crap load of presents. Now, I dont take anything for granted. AT ALL. I am greateful  for everything I have and get. The best thing about christmas is the smells and tastes. You have all those delicious smelling candles (that you just want to eat), the AH-MAY-ZING food, and THE HOT DRINKS! Now, im not usually into hot drinks but I cant help but love the christmas ones. Theres Hot Chocolate with the little marshmallowes, Different coffees, and even Eggnog (ew). Im proabably going to post during christmas break or on christmas, so I'll let you guys know whats going on in my life!


Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Uhg, today I don’t feel like myself… I feel really self-conscious and lonely. I have realized that I am always worrying. I absolutely hate that. I worry about everything, school, boys, etc. I wish I could be one of those girls who don’t care about anything, how they look, what people think of them and everything else. But I’m not. I am very self conscious about my appearance and how people (especially boys) think I look. I know I am not overweight or underweight b8ut, I feel like I’m not good enough. I honestly don’t care about how people think my attitude is. I am very blunt. I tell it how it is. I always have and always will. But since its my first year in high school I am starting to process the thought of what guys think of my attitude. Guys don’t want someone bitchy and blunt, they want someone sweet and kind, right? Whenever I try to change myself to be more like that it just DOESN’T WORK! I don’t know why it just doesn’t. I want the type of relationship with a guy where they will be completely idiotic with me and take silly pictures and just like me for me. I want the type of relationship where you can tell him anything and he won’t judge, where he can be my best friend, I want it to be like we can just sit around and watch movies and do nothing. I know, I know, I am asking for a lot, but I truly want all those things. Teenagers are very confusing and its very hard to understand them… Lets, say its very hard to be a teenager.

Wanted: uhg I dont even know.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

People Never learn Pt. 2

Hello! I’m Mikinna’s best friend, she talks about me on her blog sometimes so Hi :) This is a post to go along with little Miss El Diabla. Before I ever met Mikinna, El Diabla was my best friend. We did everything together, so why would she ever want to hurt me? Well, I don’t know either. It all started with the boy issues between my new friend Mikinna and my ex bestfriend. This guy, my cousin actually, started flirting with Mikinna, I know, how cute! Anyway, so Mikinna told me and this other “friend” of ours that she liked my cousin. Well, the next day El Diabla calls me and she asks if I will talk my cousin into dating her? Okay, come on now.. .That’s just wrong! So, after a small fight we we’re all cool again and it was whatever. But then it happened again... I’m dating this guy and Mikinna, him, his cousin, and I were all hanging out. Well, his cousin told me that he liked Mikinna. (Isn’t she just so popular? lol) So I told El Diabla, not thinking it would mean anything, and she told me I should try to get him to like her instead. What?! Some people just never learn from their mistakes. Well, El Diabla the four of us and three other people all went out to the movies. You see, I have a secret of my ex bestfriend that I don’t think I should share on here... So I won’t. But, this secret created a huge fight between her and I. After she knew Mikinna and I were not happy with her she went off and told my lunch table that MY father hopes I get knocked up because he doesn’t want to have to deal with me anymore and wants to kick me out of my house... That is the biggest lie I have heard. She tried to say she just heard someone tell her that he said that but I know he didn’t. My father and I are very close, he’s like one of my best friends. Not only did she mess with me, but she is messing with my family now. Who does she think she is? It’s ridiculous. So now, Mikinna and I are 10x closer and I trust her. She’s pretty awesome. And what happened to El Diabla? She doesn’t have many friends... She doesn’t deserve any if this is how she likes to treat them. And she will NEVER be my friend again. Never.

( This is Mikinna again. She sent me this in an email and wanted me to post it)

I Am Thankful


I am thankful for my freinds
Even though they put me through a lot.
I am thankful for my family
Because they're the ones who have given me everything I’ve got.
I am thankful for my dogs
They always make me smile.
I am thankful for my school
Even though they make me run the mile.
I am thankful for my house
Without it I would be in a box.
I am thankful for my feet
What else would wear my socks?
Most of all I am thankful for god
He has given us everything we have.
I am thankful.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Some People Never learn....

Okay, its been a while since I was last on. A LOT has happened in that time. I have lost friends and grown closer to my bestfreind. This post is going to be all about drama. A certain someone( Im not naming.) has betrayed me. Actually she has betrayed me more than once. Now, being the good person I am I gave her a second chance. SHE BLEW IT!!!!! Which really makes me laugh. This person went to my bestfriend behind my back and tried to get her to hook , lets call her El Diabla, and the guy I really like up RIGHT AFTER I TOLD HER I LIKED HIM! Well, my bestfriend had none of that she set her stright. As did I after I found out. Then after all that I gave her a second chance. A few weeks later my friend found out that one of her friends likes me, she told El Diabla that thinking it would do no harm. Well, right then El Diabla aske my friend if she could hook El Diabla and him up( shes a bit desperate), Again my friend had none of that. We both set her straight right then. My friend has something very BIG against El Diabla too, but Im not going to tell that. Its her story and her job to write it. Lets just say that El Diabla is a 2-faced Liar and is NO LONGER MY FRIEND. I dont not need her crap in my life. Never did and never will. Okay, Im done ranting now :D